Saturday, May 7, 2011

Flee - J.A. Konrath and Ann Voss Peterson

What a good freaking book! I actually slowed myself down while I was reading just to make it last longer. It was amazing. I will beg for more books with Chandler. It was so good.

It's about Chandler who's a super elite spy for the government. There are only a handful of people who know about her. All of a sudden life turns upside down for her. She's been compromised and being pursued from all different sides.

This was an intense page turner. I've been a huge fan of Konrath for awhile now and this by far is my favorite out of everything I've read. I will definitely be looking into getting some books by Ann Voss Peterson as well.

Who doesn't want to read about assassins and spy's and the like. Especially, with the amount of training Chandler's been through.

I could not put it down. I will be recommending this book to everyone I come in contact with. It really has everything. Running, fighting, and even some Jack Daniels. I couldn't ask for more. (Except a second book.... or three or four.)
Nikki's Wild. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino