Thursday, May 27, 2010

Locked Doors - Blake Crouch

Locked Doors by Blake Crouch was the sequel to Desert Places. I was expecting this to be a lot better than the first and I was sorely disappointed. The amount of exciting parts fell way short of the boring ones.

I found myself bored most of the book just trying to plug along. Then I'd get to a really good part and start getting into the book when all of a sudden the excitement dies and the story seems to just drag on with innocuous details. I really wanted to love this one from the get go but I just couldn't. It felt more like a chore to finish.

The ending was really good though, but you have to wonder. How much bad stuff can happen to one guy? It also left us on sort of a cliffhanger with an opening for a third book, which I will no doubt read because now that I have to much vested into these characters I just have to know what happens to them.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Desert Places - Blake Crouch

Desert Places read a bit monotonously for me. It just seemed to go from one thing to another in the same sentence. Sometimes, I'd find myself stopping and going back just to make sure what I thought happened happened.

Andrew Thomas writes horror novels. He locks himself in his lake home for months until one night finds himself in the middle of his own horror story. Someone has buried a body on his land and if he doesn't find her and call the number that's in her pocket by 8pm they'll call the police and he'll be setup for murder. And so his story begins.

It was alright as far as stories go. There is a second novel starring Andrew Thomas which I've just begun. I'm hoping the second one reads a little easier. What I really liked out of this novel that there were some pretty crazy things going on that I've never read before. That's a huge plus for me. I like to be surprised.
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